Finding a Top Cigarette Tobacco Retailer

Before scouring the web for the top cigarette tobacco vendor for you, it’s best to brush up on the basics to make an informed decision about your purchase. Cigarette tobacco or cigarettes are small cylinders of tobacco leaves rolled for smoking purposes. The difference between cigarette tobacco and regular cigars is mainly its size, paper wrapping and the use of processed loose cigarette tobacco leaves. Cigars, on the other hand, whether they contain cheap tobacco or a premium, more expensive kind, are made entirely of whole-leaf tobacco.

Due to certain restrictions brought down on smokers in recent years, a lot of cigarette tobacco buffs are now looking to the Internet for cheap tobacco products and more convenient purchase processes. Several online vendors offer hassle-free shipping to their services, not to mention a wide variety in their inventory of both discount cigarette tobacco and premium, luxury blends. Top cigarette tobacco retailers also take customer service into account, and encourage some of their clients of the benefits of buying their product in bulk; cigarette tobacco expires after a year of being exposed to air, so smokers need not worry about stale product if they store them properly and in a contained place.

Loose Cigarette Tobacco vs. Rolled Cigarette Tobacco

Some have asked if loose cigarette tobacco products are actually a better, “healthier” way of getting your nicotine fix. There are some smokers under the impression that smoking loose cigarette tobacco is better than smoking regular rolled cigarette tobacco, and the truth is that loose cigarette tobacco is not a healthier way to get your smokes, after all; on the contrary, hand-rolled variants actually have higher tar, humectants and nicotine yields (since the levels in loose cigarette tobacco aren’t standardized like those in rolled cigarettes), and they don’t contain any filters—the latter being crucial since in regular, rolled cigarette tobacco, filters reduce up to 50 percent of the tar and nicotine being produced. In certain countries, however, there is a proclivity towards loose cigarette tobacco over regular cigarette tobacco due to a significant difference in price: Hand-rolled varieties sometimes come out to half the price of a regular pack of smokes. This doesn’t necessarily mean that hand-rolled kinds are made of cheap tobacco, however, and it all still depends on the smoker’s taste and preference. Top cigarette companies offer a lot of products for their customers to choose from and enjoy.